Classroom Tote Bag

Classroom Tote Bag

Classroom Tote Bag


Product Details

This tote bag is a great gift idea for the new teacher or from a student to the teacher. Add the teacher's name along the top. In the ruler we will add your custom text. Add the year and all of the students names. This bag is available in 3 styles for any teacher.

Choose from 3 styles of tote bags all 100% cotton canvas and machine washable.
16" x 14" White Canvas Tote - $29.99
22" x 16" x 6" Pink Trim Canvas Tote - $49.99
22" x 16" x 6" Black Trim Canvas Tote - $49.99


Availability: In Stock

Dimensions: See Description

Material: 100% Cotton Canvas

Miscellaneous: 2-3 Processing Time