Friends Forever Frame

Friends Forever Frame

Friends Forever Frame


Product Details

Display photos of you and your best friend in this unique engraved picture frame. The frame includes a name on the upper right and lower left corner with a saying engraved on the top of the frame.

The saying reads “We’re not sisters by birth we knew from the start God put us together to be sisters at heart”.

The personalized friends picture frame also features a border around the frame that reads friends forever.

Item Dimensions:
The 4 x 6 Frame Measures
8-5/8 H x 6-5/8 W
The 5 x 7 Frame Measures
9-1/2 H x 7-5/8 W
The 8 x 10 Frame Measures
12-5/8 H x 11-5/8 W


Availability: In Stock

Dimensions: See Description

Material: Alder Wood