Paw Print Frame

Paw Print Frame

Paw Print Frame


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Product Details

This personalized paw print frame is made of a natural finished alder wood and features an easel or wall mounting hooks for convenient displaying. Each frame is engraved with paw prints on the upper left hand and lower right hand corner. The frame is also personalized with your own unique title, and short message at the bottom of the frame.

Item Dimensions:
The 4 x 6 Frame Measures
8-5/8 H x 6-5/8 W

The 5 x 7 Frame Measures
9-1/2 H x 7-5/8 W

The 8 x 10 Frame Measures
12-5/8 H x 11-5/8 W

Please be sure to look over your personalization.
We will engrave this frame exactly as you enter it.
Please be sure to look over your punctuation, spelling, and capitalization before submitting.


Availability: In Stock

Dimensions: See Description

Material: Alder Wood